Monday, October 5, 2009

The perfect snore........

Perfecting by Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer
This imperfect third book by Kuitenbrouwer borders between simply boring and nauseating. The novel focuses on Martha, an escapee from 'The Family', a cult in Ontario. She leaves because she found a weapon in the room of her leader Curtis and travels to New Mexico to figure out his long lost past. Instead of a racy detective novel, the story focuses on the religion of all the characters and winds up being a huge bore. Perfecting sounded very interesting, but instead of opening my mind, only assisted me in getting some much needed sleep. It's not the worst short novel I've ever read, but it's certainly close to the top of the list. My recommendation - SKIP THIS BOOK! If you're interested in exploring the inner struggle of humanity I would try reading The Stranger (A. Camus), Jonathan Livingston Seagull (R. Bach), or even Gerald's Game (S. King) instead.

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